Price: US $700.00
Like new towmotor, can be used on Cirrus and Cessna airplanes. Runs
Price: US $75,000.00
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Price: US $230,000.00
Piper : Saratoga 1982 Number: PA 32 NexAir Avionics nexair1b9 (836 )
Price: US $125,000.00
Cessna : 172N 1977 NexAir Avionics nexair1b9 (836 ) 100% Sign up for
Price: US $500.00
“Turns freely, includes engine mount, no logs.” Lycoming 0 145 B unk
Price: US $500.00
“Turns freely, includes engine mount, no logs.” Lycoming 0 145 B 2 unk