“Great flying airplane, exterior about 7 10, interior 8 10.” Piper 1966 PIPER CHEROKEE PA28 180 For.

Item specifics Condition: Seller Notes:
“Great flying airplane, exterior about 7/10, interior 8/10.”
Make: Piper Model Year: 1966
PIPER CHEROKEE PA28-180 For Sale. 1966. Cherokee 180. TT3238SMOH 1218 Since top overhaul 100 (new Lyc Cyls)Engine: 0-360-A3A LycomingAnnual due 8/2015
04" paint, interior 8/10, no damage history, ADs complied with as of last annual, complete logs from new, Narco CP 136, Garmin GPS 100, Navcom (1) MK 12d+, (1)MK12d, Narco DME 890, Cent 1 autopilot, Xponder Apollo SL 70, EGT, wing tip lights, good compressions. Hangered OXB. Hours may vary as aircraft is being flown occassionally.
Current date: 2015-06-15