Rans S14 1991 Beautiful example of what a Rans S14 should be. Sails are beautiful the Rotax 503 DCDI.

Item specifics
Condition: Used Make: Rans S14
Model Year: 1991
Beautiful example of what a Rans S14 should be. Sails are beautiful the Rotax 503 DCDI has a fresh Decarb. Fantastic paint a few minor scratches. Full VFR panel with Norco Transponder. Airworthy is "Light Sport". Actual hours are unknown Hobbs shows 664. She has the Sport Wing, very responsive and flies hands off. Like new 3-Blade 66" Powerfin prop. Adjusted for 6250 RPM Static. She climbs like crazy and cruises 70-75 on 3.5 Gal/hr. Total fuel capacity is 9 gallons in the two wing tanks. You won"t be disappointed! FAA Bill of sale and fresh condition inspection 09/2015
Current date: 2015-09-14