Spezio 1959 Serial No 1 Built by Tony Spezio Himself! Light Sport Aircraft!Built in 1959 By True.

Item specifics
Condition: Used Make: Spezio
Model Year: 1959
Serial No 1 Built by Tony Spezio Himself! Light Sport Aircraft!Built in 1959 By True Craftsman, And restored in 2011. 624.2 HRS Total TimeLycoming 0-290G4 Engine 130 HP 117.2 Hrs SMOH in 1993, has all ads Done, New oilpump per ad in 2011. Sensenich Propeller 48 hrs SMOH .ICOM ICA-200 Com RadioNarco at 150 Transponder Mode C, PS Engineering PM 1000 Intercom, NEW Seatbeltsand shoulder harness, ODYSSEY Battery, MLG Avionics Strato master Airspeed/AltimeterAnnual Condition inspection due 10-2016, Transponder cert due 10-2017. Polyfiber fabric New in 2011. Shows Very Well. 17gals fuel, 2 seats, 18ft long by 24ft wingspan, Cruise speed122MPH, Stall Speed 45 MPH , rate of climb 2200 FPM at sea level, always draws a crowd.any questions please feel free to ask.
Current date: 2015-11-20