Here is a TC ultralight trike. I bought it from the second owner who had it for several years and.
Item specifics Here is a TC ultralight trike. I bought it from the second owner who had it for several years and flew it occasionally when he didn"t feel like flying his mosquito helicopter ( go figure ). It was stored in his shop with all his other toys. It looks light it has never been stored in the weather. The nearest I can figure it is an early 2000 model. I can not find any serial numbers to confirm. The trike and motor are in excellent cosmetic and perfect mechanical condition. It looks all original and shows very little wear for its age. For a relatively basic trike it is loaded up nicely. It has a Rotax 503 duel carb w/ electric fuel pump, duel ignition with a tuned exhaust and electric start. It has a 750 BRS, strobe light, front shocks, rear struts and tundra tires and duel seats with 3 point harness. The frame is mostly original powder coated and in great shape. Has a small instrument pod with egt and egt. The trike is really nicely designed and put together. The wing show minimal wear and some sun fade to the red areas. It has a couple very minor scuff tears from the wing being moved around while in its storage bag, but is totally airworthy and the fabric is in excellent shape. Aeros inspected the wing when the battens were replace a few months ago and even they were glad to see the wing in such great shape. The wing is easy to assemble and disassemble. The mast does fold for easy assembly to the trike its self. I have flown many trikes and have been really impressed with the performance of this 503. With the tuned exhaust I would guess it has 60+ horsepower and accelerates the trike very quickly for short take offs. Stall is in the mid to lower 30"s and cruises around 45. I highly encourage training before attempting to fly this or any aircraft. I would be happy to answer any questions you have or will attempt to find the answer if I don"t know. Flight time is 3-4 hrs on 6-7 gals of fuel. There is a fuel indicator on the tank and has always had non ethanol and stabilized high test url run in it. My number is 252-258-7950. Trike and wing will be sold on a bill of sale. Please bring cash and no games please. The wing does fold back and can be left on trike. Current date: 2016-01-17