“new paint and new interior king silver crown including hsi and 90b gps wx900 stormscope” Beech 1967.

Item specifics Condition: Seller Notes:
“new paint and new interior king silver crown including hsi and 90b gps wx900 stormscope”
Make: Beech Model Year: 1967
nice baron 5600tt with 560 sfrman on both engines, 560 and 950 on props, 7/15 annual, dual king kx 155"s, KLN 90b gps, king transponder, WX 900 stormscope, new batteries, one new bladder in aux tank, auto pilot needs a computer, previous owner had it 25 years, flown approx 50 hrs per year since i have owned it
Current date: 2015-10-16