“Very nice PA28R 180, complete Lopresti speed mods,” 1968 PA28R 180 This is a very nice, pretty.
Item specifics
Used |
“Very nice PA28R-180, complete Lopresti speed mods,” |
Model Year: | 1968 | Make: | PA28R-180 |
Annual completed January 9, 2019. 667.93 hours since Top overhaul in 2004; 428.4 hours since lower end was done in 2012 due to a prop strike at which time a new 3 blade propeller was installed.
KMA20 audio panel & 4 place intercom & 3 lite marker beacon
Apollo GX65 IFR GPS with GPS NAV control
Collins 350 NAV/COM
Garmin Aera 510 GPS
Narco AT50 transponder
standby vac
electric trim
Century auto-pilot
Current date: 2019-03-23