“Overall paint is 8 8.5. Shines real nice. Clean. Interior is a 7 7.5. Engine has new Millenium.

“Overall paint is 8 - 8.5. Shines real nice. Clean. Interior is a 7 - 7.5. Engine has new Millenium cylinders 400 hours ago. Runs Strong. Flies Great.”
1969 Cessna Turbo 210, Lowest Priced in annual Flying Turbo 210 on the planet... I have other commitments I need money ASAP. You must pay in full within 72 hours of Buy it Now! Please have funds and spouses permission before hitting BIN. Last guy held me up 2 weeks and never did have funds.

3843 TT; 1343 SMOH; 770 SPOH, 400 STOH in 2006 with Millenium cylinders; November 2014 annual, Flying currently so times may change slightly.

This is a nice plane and flies great, it"s a 200mph plane and ceiling service is 26,000" avg. cruise at lower altitudes is 16gph.

Dual MK 12d"s both with glide slope (#1 has fading display) .Compressions are 60, 60, 60, 72, 68, 64 DME head M-3 GPS in panel KR-86 WX10 Weather Copilots backup Artificial Horizon! KT-76A Mode C Transponder STEC 60-2 auto pilot (will fly glide slope) with altitude hold and Auto Trim, Has Electric trim on pilot yoke also. Whelen Strobes GEM EGT/CHT engine monitor all 6 cylinders PM1000 intercom IFR certified in Novemger 2014, good for 2 more years! 6 place oxygen, all there except the bottle which didn"t pass annual. annual just done in Nov. 2014 - flown about 25 hours since then. Uvalde Gear Door Mod. EZ Heat Engine Preheater Gear pump rebuilt 2005 New Slick Mags 2005 Fuel pump rebuild 2005 Engine Baffling 2014 New Battery, New tires, New Windshield, and more. Ready to fly! Gear Saddles Dye Penetrant Inspection 2014, Complete Logs. All AD"s Current. Great airplane that has been very well maintained, airplane is always stored in a heated hanger and it shows. Included with sale is a Garmin 396 GPS yoke mounted with antennas and Weather. Had Gear up in 1977 / 1978, obviously engine & prop have been overhauled since then. All repairs done professionally and 337"s filed.

Sold as is where is. Aircraft had a prop blade that was weaping a little oil, but it has stopped and resealed itself. I just flew it 4 hours and no more weaping blade.

I may deliver airplane for expenses plus return trip or I can recommend several Ferry Pilots who will deliver anywhere for a fee.

Plane is registered in my company name and is free and clear. Payment must be made by the 10th of April.
Current date: 2015-04-21