Cessna 1973 Purchased the plane in May 2015, have decided it s time to move to something.

Item specifics
Condition: Used Make: Cessna
Model Year: 1973
Purchased the plane in May 2015, have decided it"s time to move to something pressurized.
Annual completed February 2017.
12,790 Total time
778 SMOH October 2012
1220 SPOH June 2011
1415lb useful load
89 gallons fuel
155kts 12.5 GPH LOP
160-170kts 14-16 GPH ROP
Paint and interior are new within the last two years.
TKS known-ice.
Back-up alternator and vacuum system. Top-Prop STC which eliminates all propeller AD"s.
Aircraft has many mods and STC"s which eliminate ALL AD"s minus the seat track inspection found on all Cessna singles.
Insight Engine MonitorMAC 1700
Cessna 400A autopilot is included with sale but not installed in the aircraft at this time.
Fresh Annual included.
Will trade for a pressurized aircraft.
Current date: 2017-02-09