“Fast long range six passenger twin always hangered no corrosion great paint (8) and lather.
Item specifics
Used |
“Fast long range six passenger twin always hangered no corrosion great paint (8) and lather inferior( 7 ) fully coupled 400B auto pilot color radar full de ice. Factory engines with top compression on all cylinders three bladed props Can sell with fresh annual inspection needs a new GPS, annual due next month any questions e mail to flyinsky4u@aol.com” |
Make: | Cessna C310R - 0516 | Long range twin: | 210-MPH six place IFR |
Model Year: | 1976 |
Engines Teledyne continental IO-520-M. Good for 1900 hours with one 200 hour extension Right sn:826240-R. 355 hour since factory overhauls, top compression on all cylinders Left. sn:815470-R. 1397 hour since factory overhauls top compression on all cylinders Props: McCauley 3 Bladed heated 3AF32C504Time since overhauls 1037Options: long range fuel; full de ice ; strobe lighting; larger baggage/cargo door ; leather seats; heater hour meter ; courtesy lights dual pilot co pilot instruments; 400B ( best) slaved autopilot ; RCA color Radar; King Slaved HSI; Dual King 196 Coms dual Collins 351 Navs; Collins TDR950 Transponder ModeC CollinsADF 650 Current date: 2016-03-05