1976 Piper Piper Archer II 1976, TT Airframe 6065, Engine Lycoming A4M 1475 hours, GNS 480 WAAS GPS.

Item specifics
Condition: Used Model Year: 1976
Make: Piper
Piper Archer-II 1976, TT Airframe 6065, Engine Lycoming A4M 1475 hours, GNS 480 WAAS GPS/NAV/COM with 8 month subscription, basic autopilot Piper IIIB, IFR Certified until November 2021, Annual good until Oct. 2020. Good flying condition with new tires, new Garmin CDI (glide slope indicator) new airspeed indicator, brand new Garmin ADSB OUT transponder. Fly every week. No known mechanical problems.
Current date: 2020-04-27