Experimental Relisting due to non paying buyer.Subaru EA 1 fuel injected 100H.P. 273hs. Hrs will.

Item specifics
Condition: Used Make: Experimental
Relisting due to non paying buyer.Subaru EA-1 fuel injected 100H.P. 273hs. Hrs will increase due to flying weekly. 3 blade composite Warp Drive prop. Ground adjustable. Cruise 80-90 mph 3.5-4 gph. 12 gal fuel tank. 2-place intercom. Terra tri-nav radio, narco transponder. ELT. Pilot side brakes. 21" Tundra tires w/8" tail wheel. Cabin heat. Shoulder belts. Removable doors. Led landing lights. Wing strobes and nav lights. Panel lights. Great STOL performance. Fun easy flying and very economical. Reason for sale is I purchased a 4 place. Empty weight is 800#. Max Take off is 1300#. Wings are easy to remove for transport and will fit in 26" trailer. Check out the video"s on youtube.( Merlin GT for sale). I will update new video this week. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. JohnThis aircraft is also for sale outside of this auction. This auction subject to cancellation at any time as per the terms provided by eBay.
Current date: 2015-07-28