“Perfect Condition” Cessna 2011 C 172SP 2011 Cessna Skyhawk172 SP G1000 IFR This aircraft is.

Item specifics Condition: Seller Notes:
“Perfect Condition”
Make: Cessna Model Year: 2011 C-172SP
2011 Cessna Skyhawk172 SP G1000 IFR
This aircraft is privately owned and hangered in NJ. Currently has 426hrs on it since new!!!! Never used as a trainer. Owner used it to build time to fly a bigger aircraft. All SB & AD are current as well an annual.
2011 Skyhawk 172 SPG1000 AvionicsNo accident or damage historyAlways hangeredAll LED LightsAlways maintained to 50/100hr Maintenance schedule10 out of 10 inside and out.Hobbs meter installed426 TTSNIFR Certified and Flown
Current date: 2015-11-25