“91 hrs TTA&E Jabiru 3300, excellent paint and interior, center stick, dual throttle and brakes.

Item specifics Condition: Seller Notes:
“91 hrs TTA&E Jabiru 3300, excellent paint and interior, center stick, dual throttle and brakes, electric ailerons, elevator trim, flaps, navigation strobe & landing lights, oil cooler, wheel pants, carburetor and cabin heat, MGL “Enigma” EGT & CHT all six cylinders, GPS, oil temperature and pressure indicators, back-up air speed indicator, Icon radio and King transponder, mode C, 2 axis autopilot coupled. 120mph/5gallons/hr sport plane.Always hangared !”
Make: Zenith Model Year: 2011
I am listing this beautiful crafted airplane for a good friend of mine. I am also a pilot and have flown in this Zenith several times. It is exciting to fly as it is to ride. It brings the pilot and passenger the an awesome flight experience. Equipped with everything you could want in a homebuilt. Economical and an eye catcher with its professionally painted Red/White exterior. Interior 9+, Exterior 9+. Help yourself to this little beauty.Upon successful meeting of the minds, a non-refundable down payment shall be deposited within 3 (three) business days. The amount being $ 1000.00 USD currency. This will NOT be returned !!Please know what you are doing before you bid........ please.
Current date: 2015-03-27