New Bradley BA100 Aerobat aircraft kit. Airframe is About 65% completed. The major time consuming.
Item specifics Bradley BA100 Aerobat aircraft kit. Airframe is About 65% completed. The major time consuming work has been finished. The Bradley Aerobat is built around the center section. The center section is completed as is the wing panels. To be finished is the fuselage and tail section. Extra metal is included in case you make a mistake and need to make a new part. Hardware is included as well but I can"t guarantee it is all there. Be prepared to have to purchase a little hardware. I"ve got a RV6A on the table now and a kitfox so truly just don"t have the time to complete this one. The work thus far has taken me only 100 hours. I would estimate this plane could be ready to fly with a competent builder in 150 hours. A new overhauled VW engine is included. The engine was overhauled back in 2005 and sat in a barn so I would want to split the case and check everything before installing. A beautiful prop is included with a spun aluminum spinner. The basic instruments are included as are a set of mechanical brakes. All fiberglass parts are included: the wheel pants, fuel tank, seat pan, wing tips (already installed), wing cap fairings, canopy body, and of course the canopy itself. Should have everything here to make a flying aircraft. Should make a great handling aircraft and make you smile with the speed as well. If I didn"t have the other two projects I would not be selling. Build plans are included as are about 40 pictures of the build so far. Take note the first picture is not the actual item for sale. It is what the Bradley ba100 will look like once completed. Please feel free to any questions. Thanks. Current date: 2016-02-05