“” Glasair 1 TD S N 459 for sale with SMOH 1028.2 and STOH 55.6 motor along with a century 3.

Item specifics Condition: Seller Notes:
Glasair 1 TD S/N 459 for sale with SMOH 1028.2 and STOH 55.6 motor along with a century 3 automatic flight system45% complete, wing closed, control surfaces closed, fuesalage on landing gear, windshield and side windows in. Many options. A&P builder. The reason why I"m selling the Glasair is that I bought an Azenith 701 Kit that takes up all of my free time. Includes the following:Glasair KitRT, Side rudder pedels, surlocks, resinHeated pitot tubeCanopy gas springsAileron counterweightsPreformed instrument panelHeader tank kitSeatbelt and shoulder harness assy6 point conical engine mount and dyna focal mount.Milled fibers, cabosil, signstrip, peel ply.Rear side windowsTop compression strut for main landing gear40ft fiberglass and 1 gal resinRohacell fireproof for firewall4 fuel capsCanopy latches17% large rudderWing tip extensions and fuel tanksTires, wheels and brakes. Glasair news letters
Current date: 2015-06-01