1996 LongEZ aprox 335 TT
This is for the airplane only with no engine or propeller. This airplane.
Item specifics 1996 LongEZ aprox 335 TT
This is for the airplane only with no engine or propeller. This airplane was flying
with a Lycoming O-320 D3G 160 hp The wings are off and is ready to transport. Stored
in a hanger at Napa Airport. Needs some refinish surface work on the gear and fair in wheel pants. it has electric nose gear and electric pitch trim, a King KX 155 nav-com and a transponder, digital engine monitor and intercom. These airplanes are a lot of fun , fast, and economical to
fly and if you get bored you can do some loops and rolls on the way. Pick up within 20 days / $15 per day storage thereafter Current date: 2019-02-09