Mooney 1962 This is my baby. I have taken excellent care. Your welcome to have your mechanic to.

Item specifics
Condition: Used Make: Mooney
Model Year: 1962
This is my baby. I have taken excellent care. Your welcome to have your mechanic to inspect., the TTSN:3653.00 ESMOH :1264.00 . Annual Oct/2016. She flys perfect and easy to fly. Great for long distance or hamburger runs.never let me down. You can find similar planes cheeper and some even more expensive. But you won"t find any that will give you any better confidence and security. And safety knowing that she will get you there and back. Just take care off her and She will take care off you.
I"m a licenses A&P , I&A. I keep her in extra special shape. Minimal IFR. I"m not IFR .so never had it checked.
Current date: 2017-01-31