“Very Good Condition” RV3B 2011 RV3B: Metal VAN'S RV3B RV3B $55,500FOR SALE BY BUILDERTTAF 113.0 hrs.
Item specifics Condition: Seller Notes: Used |
“Very Good Condition” |
Model Year: | RV3B 2011 | RV3B: | Metal |
Make: | VAN'S RV3B |
RV3B $55,500FOR SALE BY BUILDERTTAF 113.0 hrs SMOH, All New Major Overhaul, Haglin Rebuilders, Long Beach,CA. New Garmin 660 GPS, New I-Co m Flip Flop, All New Van"s Steam Gauges, New Catto Nickle Edge Cruise Prop, Used King 76A, Comes with extra Catto Climb Prop with Spinner Backing Plate and Fwd Bulkhead. Have 2 seats to fit short or tall pilot. Built by a 3 time builder, can see all rivets. Complete logs. Recent Transponder Encoder and Pito Static Check. Polished Aluminum with red and black trim. All new Accessories in 2011. No Car Gas! Always in a Heated Hanger.
Located at Ravalli County Airport Hamilton, Montana. 6S5
Current date: 2019-07-31