Baby Ace model D, Built by me, FAA airworthiness inspection in 2003. N30051, Total time 208 hrs..

Condition: Used

Baby Ace model D, Built by me, FAA airworthiness inspection in 2003. N30051, Total time 208 hrs., Continental A65 aircraft engine total time 3,030 hrs. Time since overhaul 181 hrs. Have all engine log books, aircraft blue prints. Always hangered at 32PA, Current inspection. Stitts poly fiber covering, insignia white paint, Scott tail wheel. Buyer is responsible for pickup or shipping. If buyer picks up aircraft in box truck, I will build wing racks for travel. Will fly to a nearby airport from my farm grass strip for buyer to fly home. This Baby Ace aircraft is a fun flyer priced at an ultralight price.
Located in Clearville, Pennsylvania, United States.
Current date: 2019-06-10