MontanaCoyote 240 hrs AF, Lycoming O320 1127 hrs SMOH, recent hrs. Condition Insp. 10 20 21..

MontanaCoyote 240 hrs AF, Lycoming O320- 1127 hrs SMOH, recent hrs. Condition Insp. 10/20/21. Aircraft is a two place kit plane producedand sold in Helena, Mt. in 1990’s. Thisone was issued an Airworthy Certificate in 1999. Avionics KLX 135A GPS Com, Transponder76ATsL, Voice activated intercom auto gas STC. Last condition inspectionincluded fabric tightening on wings, control surfaces, exchange of tail wheel spring, reinforcing airframe at cross over spar and at front gear attach points, calibrating fuelgages. Bring your own experienced taildragger pilot and a certificate of insurance. Consider trades Current date: 2021-11-29