“Edo 2870 Straight Floats, needs struts, one leaking compartment, small crack in bottom skin, rudder.

Item specifics Condition: Seller Notes:
“Edo 2870 Straight Floats, needs struts, one leaking compartment, small crack in bottom skin, rudder work neededInterior fairExterior paint fair”
Make: Cessna 180 Model Year: 1956
1956 Cessna 180 on land gear with Edo straight floats3320 TTAF, 903 SMOH
250 O-470 engine with carb jets and crossover pipes900hr TTSMOH (11/94)60 hr STOP-new cylinders (7/05)Annual 10/14--previous owner x20 yr, purchased 10/14 and flown 10 hrs Prop-McCauley 2 blade, 740hr SNEW (6/90)Monarch Fuel caps, Madras Wing Tips, Flap Gap Seals, Strobe light system, EZ engine heater, Pilot/co-pilot seat harnesses, new articulating seats, new one piece windscreen, VFR GPSADs complied, gap in log books 1985clear title
mechanical/specific aircraft questions--Drew Smith atsmith@ksu.edu or Dave Middleton 785-826-7835
Current date: 2015-06-03